Penile Cancer Updates

Dear All,

Penile Cancer may be a rare cancer in most developed countries of the world and in Islamic countries. But in India, it is still not that uncommon and we see patients at all stages of presentation.

This makes it necessary for us to know more about penile Cancer.

Recently in 2016, WHO and ISUP have updated the classification of penile cancer including staging.

I am providing two links that will give us the necessary informations concerning the present understanding. (PDF available) (PDF available)

There are several articles addressing Molecular and genomic aspects of penile cancer and understanding these could be of relevance in planning treatments for Penile Cancer. Though these are articles may appear beyond us, it has become a necessity for us to have some knowledge concerning the progresses made in these aspects.

Ahmet Murat Aydin, Philippe E. Spiess* et al (2020) have provided a good review on understanding the Genomic and Immune environment of Penile Cancer.

On December 11th of 2020, Philippe Spiess gave a presentation on ‘Updates in Molecular Basis of Penile Cancer’ at the first Global Society of Rare Genitourinary Tumours (GSRGT). I am providing an excerpt of the presentation in PDF.

Taking all these together, it is hoped that we will enhance our knowledge on Penile Cancer.

A question is usually asked as whether we as Urologists need to know all these intricacies and the answer for this is provided in Makarand’s commentary on ‘RCC’

With warm regards,



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