Prostate & Urethra
RP in Elderly over 75 Yr...
Dear All, RP in elderly men over 75 is a controversial Issue not yet resolv...
Consensus Group Opinion ...
Dear All, Finally a meaningful exposition of a ‘consensus group opinion...
NCCN Guideline on P Ca v...
Dear All, For over a decade, the influential National Comprehensive Cancer ...
Gut Bacteria May Fuel P ...
Dear All, In a Recent study by Nicolo Pernigoni, Johann de Bono et al, 2021, ...
Advanced P Ca - AUA Guid...
Dear All, I am providing a summary of the Presentation of Guidelines during...
Advanced P Ca - AUA Guid...
Dear All, I am providing a summary of the Presentation of Guidelines during...
Metabolic Syndromes and ...
Dear All, Recently number of studies are addressing the Role of Metabolic S...
Genetic Testing: What Ur...
Dear All, We are in a perplexed state as how best we should proceed once P C...
Detection of Prostate Ca...
Dear All, I am providing the main points as mentioned in the article by Van ...
Cognitive biopsy For Ca ... so many ways to do p...
Epidemiology and Androge...
Dear All, I had placed a write up on Cancer Statistics of Urological Cancers...
Consensus Statement for ...
Dear All, In India, performing Radical Prostatectomies have increased exponen...