
Pediatic Urology
Infra Vesical outflow ob...

A 2.5-year-old boy presents with a very thin urinary stream, occasional strainin...

Pediatic Urology

Dear All,5 yr old male presented with swelling of penis during voiding. Clinical...

Pediatic Urology
Concealed Penis in Child...

Dera All, I am providing an article published in BMJ Urology (Latest Public...

Pediatic Urology
Development of PUV - Cur...

Dear All, I am providing a write up of mine, written a while earlier, on ‘...

Pediatic Urology
Hypospadias Repair Impac...

Dear All, I am rather confused with this article from ‘Urology’. I alway...

Pediatic Urology
Congenital Anterior Uret...

Dear All, I am providing some materials on ‘Congenital Anterior Urethr...

Pediatic Urology
Cystic lesion at the tip...

In last 15 days I showed 2 cases of cystic lesion at tip of glans extending in o...

Pediatic Urology
What is your diagnosis, ...

Dear All,2 days old child from small village presented with poor urinary stream,...

Pediatic Urology
Classifications of Ureth...

Dear All, Urethral duplication is a rare anomaly of the lower urinary tract....

Pediatic Urology
PUV does VCUG give the C...

Dear All, We have discussed many aspects of PUV but there are many not so co...

Pediatic Urology
Development of posterior...

 Development of Posterior Urethral valves - Current Concepts Prof. P. Venu...