Could the bulbar urethral end location on the cystourethrogram predict the outcome after posterior urethroplasty for pelvic fracture urethral injury?

Greetings to All members

This is an interesting article based on RGU MCU findings 
This is based on small number of patients .
Mundy et al suggest that the most difficult step in Posterior Urethroplasty is finding the posterior urethra.
It remains challenging at times for even the most experienced surgeon.
The best way to image posterior urethra is to do MCU or MRI .
Koratiam et all published bulbo prostatic index .It is based on the gap between 2 ends of urethra and bulbar urethral length.

From our experience,
The need for pubectomy is based on 2 things.
1.Gap length
2.Orientation of posterior urethra to the lower end of pubic bone.
If the posterior urethra is high ,irrespective of the gap, pubectomy will be needed.

imaging of Urethra in 2 dimensions, specially for PFUi  remains deceptive in few cases.

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