Pediatic Urology
Asymptomatic high grade ...
Case Summary: A 7-year-old boy, asymptomatic, underwent an abdominal ultrasound...
Pediatic Urology
Standardization of postn...
Dear All,I am attaching my presentation done at Nair hospital auditorium on abov...
Pediatic Urology
EAU ESPU 2021 Guideline ...
Dear All, EAU – ESPU Guidelines on Paediatric Urinary Stone ...
Pediatic Urology
Recurrent febrile UTI wi...
18 months child presented with recent history of febrile UTI and admission for i...
Pediatic Urology
Your diagnosis?
8 months male child admitted at pediatrician's hospital for febrile condition. O...
Pediatic Urology
Prenatally Detected PUJ ...
Respected Seniors and FriendsI am attaching a case of prenatally detected hydron...
Pediatic Urology
Bilateral high grade ref...
Dear All,10 months male child, appearing sick, presented with history of r...
Pediatic Urology
Whitaker Test and its Ut...
Dear All, Whitaker in 1973 introduced Ante Grade Pressure Measurement for de...
Pediatic Urology
Antenatally Detected HN ...
Dear All, Most of the cases of Antenatally Detected Hydronephrosis of SFU Gr...