Bladder growth in right lateral wall diverticulum -issues encountered

Posting image of case of 60 year male patient I discussed in another thread. 

Issues :
Most of the part of growth was in diverticulum... How to resect? 
How to stage(pathological) as deep chips not possible from base of tumour? 
There were obturator jerks... Creating panic... What are the options to prevent jerks or consequences.... 

Bladder growth in right lateral wall diverticulum -issues encountered


  • Ravindra Sabnis
    Ravindra Sabnis
    22 Apr 2020 04:58:32 PM

    Bladder diverticular growth is very tricky. By defination, diverticulum does not have muscle. So if it is high grade, it should be treated like muscle invasive disease. 

  • Dr. Anil Takvani
    Dr. Anil Takvani
    22 Apr 2020 05:49:46 PM


    I hope many trainees in group will try answering this post.

  • Pankaj N Maheshwari
    Pankaj N Maheshwari
    01 May 2020 01:57:50 PM

    This patient has a large tumor in bladder diverticulum. I would not attempt resection as resection of such large tumors can lead to bladder perforation. I would take biopsy from tumor and random biopsies from the bladder and then consider either a diverticulectomy, partial cystectomy or radical cystectomy. 

    Resection would be reserved for very small tumors.
    Link to an interesting article on tumors in bladder diverticulum:

  • Pankaj N Maheshwari
    Pankaj N Maheshwari
    01 May 2020 04:53:35 PM

    Measures to reduce obturator spasms during TUR-BT

    1. Avoid over distension of the bladder
    2. Reduce Diathermy current
    3. The chance may be less with bipolar as compared to mono-polar. There is literature on either side. 
    4. Obturator nerve block
    5. Use laser energy for en-bloc excision of tumors :) :)
    6. GA with muscle relaxants

    One common mis-concept is that spinal anaesthesia prevents obturator spasms. It cannot as the cause of spasms is a local stimulation of the nerve. 

    One very interesting article for post-graduates: Avoiding the obturator jerk during TURBT.

  • Dr. Anil Takvani
    Dr. Anil Takvani
    01 May 2020 06:27:09 PM

    Thank you very much Pankaj Sir

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