Your diagnosis?

8 months male child admitted at pediatrician's hospital for febrile condition. On iv antibiotics. 

His USG of kub with full bladder done...give your diagnosis...

Your diagnosis?


  • Dr. Anil Takvani
    Dr. Anil Takvani
    05 Jun 2021 08:44:40 PM

    Patient had recurrent episodes of febrile UTI. 

    This time on admission his USG of kub with and without full bladder was done. 
    Please look at the usg picture and give possible diagnosis....thanks 

  • Dr. Anil Takvani
    Dr. Anil Takvani
    09 Jun 2021 06:27:34 PM

    First picture is a bladder level usg with full bladder.  One can see bilateral dilated juxta vesical ureter. 

    Second picture is at renal level,  suggestive of bilateral mild Hydronephrosis. 
    Together it is a case of bilateral HUN with recurrent febrile uti. 

    What are possible diagnosis?

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