Infra Vesical outflow obstruction

A 2.5-year-old boy presents with a very thin urinary stream, occasional straining, and dribbling.
He underwent circumcision and urethrocystoscopy in January 2024.
Following the procedure, there was slight improvement in his urinary stream, but the symptoms largely persisted.
An MRI of the spine was performed and reported as normal.
An MCU was conducted two months ago.

I am attaching the video clip of the urethrocystoscopy and the MCU report for review.

The patient experienced a severe febrile urinary tract infection (FUTI) two months ago and is currently on antibiotic prophylaxis.

Urethrocystoscopy and circumcission were done in another hospital, at that time MCU was not done 

How should this patient be managed further?

Infra Vesical outflow obstruction Infra Vesical outflow obstruction
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