Are Endourological Procedures for Nephrolithiasis Tt associated with Renal Injury?)

Dear All,

Though we perform PCNL’s, now with miniaturized versions as well, RIRS and ESWL, we rarely talk or write about the Renal Function alterations induced by these procedures. We talk about the successes of these procedures. In many cases, we do see associated changes in Renal function preoperatively like obstruction or infection etc, but what happens to these kidneys post procedure is not well understood due to limited studies available.

Estimating the Biomarkers under study (Trials on the way) are beginning to unravel much renal functional deterioration associated with these procedures. More present work is on aspects of Immediate Functional deterioration with very little information available on long term deterioration. We are happy that in many, though there might be an initial deterioration, they recover sufficiently and make us happy. But few studies now available are painting a not so rosy picture as long regards long term functional status after these endourological procedures.

I am providing an article ‘Are endourological procedures for nephrolithiasis treatment associated with renal injury? A review of potential mechanisms and novel diagnostic indexes’.

This article is a must read for all of us as it provides an insight into the various markers that could make us understand the renal deterioration aspects of the procedure.

With warm Regards,



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