3 way indwelling catheters

Dear All,

As Urologists we use 3 way indwelling catheters after Procedures to facilitate simulatnoous Irrigation along with drainage. In India, I do not know whether we are using the same make Indwelling Catheters as mentioned in the article. But we have noticed some makes are somewhat better than other makes. But unfortunately, we tend to purchase catheters not based on the quality but based on individualistic preferences and availability.

If such Changes in the lumen, irrigation and drainage properties are seen with the same size catheters studied, it must be accepted that these properties required could be more out of sync with the catheters we use.

The factors that will have to be looked at when choosing a catheter could change with the situation that it is being used. Hence the factors suggested may well be borne in mind.


With warm regards,


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  • Venugopal P
    Venugopal P
    17 Jan 2020 06:00:19 PM

    Dear All, The link is not opening properly and hence I am sending the article in PDF format. Hope all will be able to view it. Venu

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  • Dr. Anil Takvani
    Dr. Anil Takvani
    17 Jan 2020 09:45:28 PM

    Sir, Link is opening properly. Just click on it....thanks

  • Amrith Raj Rao
    Amrith Raj Rao
    26 Jan 2020 09:41:56 PM

    Very interesting paper and indeed a paper in making for a MCh/DNB student utilising Indian models. 

    However, there seems to be some errors in the paper. 

    For example  Figure 2 and figure depicting different catheters. They seem to have labelled in Figure 4 wherein they have interchanged Model B and Model C. 

    Also one should be intrigued by Table 4, the right hand side of the table. One would expect, more the cuff is filled, lesser the flow, which curious happens when it is inflated to 20 ml but increases after it is inflated to 40 mL. Doesnt make sense! Unless, of course, I havent understood this correctly. 

    It would be useful for one of the Departments to take this up as a Journal Club paper so that the resident digests the paper and one can shed more light on this topic. 

    Personal observations include that when we filled the balloon (cuff) with 40 mL (presumably to put traction) and once the traction is given, many a times, the irrigation does not flow freely. Any one else also has the same expereince? 

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