What is Hypospadias?

Dear All,

Hypospadiology is becoming a separate subspecialty within Urology (Amilal Bhat would say it has already become) but it is equally taken up by Paediatric Surgeons and Plastic Surgeons as well. The development of Glans, Urethra and Prepuce play a major role in our understanding. A while ago the most perturbing question was how Glans can develop adequately well when corpus spongiosum was defective in its development. This confusion existed because Anatomically Glans and Corpus Spongiosum along with Urethra are integral part of each other. Hence it was confusing that when Corpus Spongiosum along with Urethra was defective, how then Glans can develop more or less adequately. The main problem as I understand is not in the development of Glans but it is the development of Glanular Urethra and the more proximal urethra (I am subject to correction and I may be corrected).

I am providing a very comprehensive article by Laurence Baskin on ‘What is Hypospadias’. This is an article worth reading and understanding by all in the group. He has in detail explained most aspects but not on the techniques for correction of Hypospadias. But Understanding what Hypospadias is important in planning the surgical options available.


It should be remembered that there are as many techniques at repair as Surgeons who are performing such repairs.

With warm regards,



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