Female Epispadias

Diagnostic picture

Female Epispadias


  • Dr. Anil Takvani
    Dr. Anil Takvani
    11 Jan 2020 03:01:12 PM

    Sir, Please write on your surgical procedure with representative pictures (photos).... Thanks

  • Venugopal P
    Venugopal P
    11 Jan 2020 06:32:53 PM

    Dear All, Literature is sparse concerning Female Epispadias and as the condition is said to occur in one in 484,000 female patients, no one can have extensive experience in tackling this anomaly. When you peruse the literature few articles are available but are of distant dates. The two recent articles, I could find were one from Amilal Bhat (2008, Urology, 72 (2): 300) and another was from MV Krishna Shetty et al (2011). http://www.afrjpaedsurg.org/article.asp?issn=0189-6725;year=2011;volume=8;issue=2;spage=215;epage=217;aulast=Krishna (PDF not available) The operative procedure adopted by the authors is depicted in pictures. I am sure we will be hearing more from Amilal. With warm Regards, Venu

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